Skeptical Resources
Skeptical resources


Welcome to my skeptic resource section (previously Skeptic Central). This will give you access to any skeptical material I include on this website. More will be added in the coming weeks and monthsW so please check back as I hope to build this into a very useful resource.

My focus at the moment is on mediums and other forms of psychic reader largely because this is an area I know well, but I shall include material on all other forms of assorted nuttery later.

Some of these will articles I have published elsewhere and others specifically written for this site.

I'm just sick of seeing sloppy 'tests' done on TV. Here's few suggestions on protocol. I'm happy to advise anyone in the media - if they are interested.

The mother of all challenges is still the one offered by the JREF but I couldn't resist a humble offering of my own.

Nothing to do with my challenge above but the programme shown on Channel Four 23rd August 2003. I discuss cold reading and taught an actor to be a psychic in 2 hours.

Considering the opportunities this must be the world's must under utilised Act od Parliament. I include other details here such as the number of prosecutions.

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